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jDiction 2.2.0 released. http://jdiction.org/downloads

Author Topic: Jdiction 2.0 some css missing after switching language  (Read 40886 times)


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Jdiction 2.0 some css missing after switching language
« on: January 11, 2017, 10:31:11 am »


Firstly I would like to say a big thank you for creating this extension.

Currently I'm encountering a strange thing. Whenever I'm switching language part of css isn't applied, although the css itself loads. I'm not even sure what could be the problem, I can see the css file.

Example - visit http://bit.ly/2icm78n, and press "RU" for example, you will see that css isn't applied, although it is fully loaded. I am using K2 component, but I did download the xml file for k2 from forums.

Some additional info about the site:
  • I'm using Jdiction_mysqli although changing to Jdiction_mysqli_xml doesn't change the fact mentioned above
  • When I go to global checkin, I get this error - Table 'laak_site.#__updates' doesn't exist SQL=SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `#__updates`

When going to jDiction check page, I get this:
  • Joomla Version 3.6.5 is unkown.
  • There are 7 plugins having the same loading postion as the Joomla Languagefilter Plugin. (althought Joomla language plugin is set as first priority
  • jDiction Database Driver XML View is selected
  • 5 languages having not accesslevel public.

EDIT: this was my own stupidity, I didn't set modules correctly.

I do have a few question still though, is it ok if I ask theme here, or should I better create a new topic?
« Last Edit: January 11, 2017, 10:52:21 am by wonderland »

Harald Leithner

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Re: Jdiction 2.0 some css missing after switching language
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2017, 10:55:36 am »

The problem is that the css is not working?

For me its looks good in all languages. Do you have a screenshot for me?
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Re: Jdiction 2.0 some css missing after switching language
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2017, 04:58:57 pm »

That was my own fault.

I do have one question though, from time to time I get this error
Code: [Select]
Table 'laak_site.#__updates' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT DISTINCT update_site_id FROM #__updates WHERE `update_site_id` IN ( SELECT update_site_id FROM #__update_sites WHERE `last_check_timestamp` IS NULL OR `last_check_timestamp` <= '1484301508')
« Last Edit: January 13, 2017, 05:01:40 pm by wonderland »

Harald Leithner

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Re: Jdiction 2.0 some css missing after switching language
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2017, 05:12:21 pm »

seams also not jdiction related, better ask this on JSE oder Joomla Forum.
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Re: Jdiction 2.0 some css missing after switching language
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2017, 05:35:37 pm »

Thank you for the fast reply.

I'm sorry, I'm not even sure why I thought this was related to Jdiction, must be the long week  :D

While I have your attention I would like to clarify some things;
1. In itemview, when pressing on translate flag, should it take me to the tab of the pressed language, or will just the first tab get opened - http://imgur.com/QJTFXqK
2. After adding translations, quite often I get yellow exclamation mark, instead of green check mark, and I would like to understand why, am I doing something wrong?  - http://imgur.com/UDJ0hsa
3. This is not a big deal, but if I remember correctly, there should be a icon here - http://imgur.com/YZrYc2J
4. Inside a translatable item, is there a way to somehow copy content of the base language? There is a pop up with the base content, but it would be such a time saver if I could just copy the base content and use it as a referrence - http://imgur.com/n41qTuT
5. In jDiction check page I get these two errors
5.1. "Joomla Version 3.6.5 is unkown." - I suppose this is no problem
5.2. "5 languages having not accesslevel public." - Not sure what to do about this, all languages are active.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2017, 05:38:03 pm by wonderland »

Harald Leithner

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Re: Jdiction 2.0 some css missing after switching language
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2017, 06:13:17 pm »

Thank you for the fast reply.

I'm sorry, I'm not even sure why I thought this was related to Jdiction, must be the long week  :D

While I have your attention I would like to clarify some things;
No Problem
1. In itemview, when pressing on translate flag, should it take me to the tab of the pressed language, or will just the first tab get opened - http://imgur.com/QJTFXqK
No thats not implemented but a good idea
2. After adding translations, quite often I get yellow exclamation mark, instead of green check mark, and I would like to understand why, am I doing something wrong?  - http://imgur.com/UDJ0hsa
No the Yellow ! shows you that the native element has changed after the translation
3. This is not a big deal, but if I remember correctly, there should be a icon here - http://imgur.com/YZrYc2J
yep should be ;-) but I think I haven't done any code for it so no not a bug but not implemented
4. Inside a translatable item, is there a way to somehow copy content of the base language? There is a pop up with the base content, but it would be such a time saver if I could just copy the base content and use it as a referrence - http://imgur.com/n41qTuT
Click on the blue "I" it should copy the native text to the translation field
5. In jDiction check page I get these two errors
5.1. "Joomla Version 3.6.5 is unkown." - I suppose this is no problem
Not a Problem just a Info that I didn't have done any tests with this version. in Joomla 3.2 was a problem that was incompatible with jdiction
5.2. "5 languages having not accesslevel public." - Not sure what to do about this, all languages are active.
The Accesslevel of the lange is not public so the language couldn't see by all people, thats only to give you a hint if you can't see a language in the language switcher.
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Re: Jdiction 2.0 some css missing after switching language
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2017, 06:49:32 pm »

Hello again,

2. I have noticed that quite often the yellow! shows up rights after adding translation even if no changes have been made to the native element.

4. I actually thought so, but when I press on the blue icon, nothing happens. I am using the basic text editor. But I also must mention that I am using k2 component (I did find a file somewhere on forums that allows to use jdiction with k2, but the file was quite old, maybe there is a newer version?

5.2. Where would one set language access level to public?

There is one more thing I wanted to ask, it's regarding "hiding untranslated content". I searched forum, but most topics regarding this are a bit old. Are there any news regarding this functionality?

Harald Leithner

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Re: Jdiction 2.0 some css missing after switching language
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2017, 11:35:45 am »

Hello again,

2. I have noticed that quite often the yellow! shows up rights after adding translation even if no changes have been made to the native element.
The yellow ! only indicates that you have changed the original text and doesn't changed the translation.

4. I actually thought so, but when I press on the blue icon, nothing happens. I am using the basic text editor. But I also must mention that I am using k2 component (I did find a file somewhere on forums that allows to use jdiction with k2, but the file was quite old, maybe there is a newer version?

It should copy the not translated string into the translation field but maybe it has been broken by a joomla update. (tinymce update)

5.2. Where would one set language access level to public?

In the Joomla language manager

There is one more thing I wanted to ask, it's regarding "hiding untranslated content". I searched forum, but most topics regarding this are a bit old. Are there any news regarding this functionality?

This can only be done by the joomla standard language system, in an article you change the "language" from "all" to (f. ex.) "en-GB" then will this article only be seen on the English version.
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