English > Extensions and jDiction

jDiction and K2

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I have used jdiction.xml file from your post from May 24, 2013. Translate works great but i would like to add field "Tags". Have you made a never version of "jdiction.xml" becouse i can't find it in the paths below:

--- Quote from: Harald Leithner on November 04, 2013, 12:16:06 pm ---thats the wrong xml file ;-)

in the k2 folder is a jdiction.xml if not is in /libraries/jdiction/tables/com_k2.xml this file would be more self explaining.

--- End quote ---

I have tried to find how this field "Tags" is define in K2 files  *.xml or *.php but i can't find it. Can you help me with this?
I use: jdiction- and joomla 3.2.
Maybe will be good idea to put this "jdiction.xml" files for components like K2, JEvents, JGallery to folder with next version of Jdiction?

Best Regards and thanks very much for your great job !

Harald Leithner:
I'm not sure how k2 handles tags, I think they have there own implementation. If they use Joomla core Tags its more tricky because I have no xml file for this yet, but will come soon.

Really like jDiction, well done. I'm wondering about K2 extra fields. The component meets my needs with the exception of extra fields in K2 which I use extensively. Is there any way I can access the data in these fields for translation? I've tried activating the extra_fields in the administrator/components/com_k2/jdiction.xml file, which allows me to see the json for the extra fields but editing is not really practical. Any tips or direction much appreciated.

Harald Leithner:
not at the moment because there is not standard way to handle json elements in a good way for many components (not only for k2)

Understood. Will continue to monitor how the project develops. Thanks for the quick answer.


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