English > Extensions and jDiction
3rd party translation
Hi everyone,
I have installed the jdiction 0.9 on my joomla 2.5.9 and everything works perfect.Thanks for the amazing job!
Now i want to translate certain 3rd party component. It says that "The integration into 3rd party components is simple, it only needs a XML File with some metadata, this file could be created easily." but i don't know exactly what or where (or how :) ) to do it and I cannot found any documentation for that.
Can someone please give me some pointers?
To be specific my problem is on the registration, login and profile pages of community builder. When I try to access them with "greek" language it shows up an error message
cannot calculate position of ordering within BY `ordering`.
Harald Leithner:
the sql parser has a problem with the sql query... atm I can't really help you with this.
If you know how to get the sql query I can look at it.
I have attached the mysql.log where i have kept only the query's that happens when the problem occurs.
Unfortunately I have no idea witch of those is the false one since it doesn't logs the answers.
But i believe its after line 33 where "lang_id" appears.
Can you look into the matter?
Again thanks a LOT for your help.
Harald Leithner:
this log comes from the mysql query log file correct?
the query will never be executed so you need to modify the jdiction core and print the queries manualy, I haven't a good debug method for this atm.
Hi all,
I have the same problem and I found the SQL query:
--- Code: ---SELECT DISTINCT ue.*, u.*, '' AS 'NA' FROM #__users u JOIN #__user_usergroup_map g ON g.`user_id` = u.`id` JOIN #__comprofiler ue ON ue.`id` = u.`id` WHERE u.block = 0 AND ue.approved = 1 AND ue.confirmed = 1 AND ue.banned = 0 AND g.group_id IN ( 6, 2, 3, 4, 5) ORDER BY `name` ASC
--- End code ---
The code is executed at line 346 of cb.lists.php in SITE_URL/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/library/cb.
I'll try to fix the problem, but if you know how to solve it immediately please let me know!
Official error: UnableToCalculatePositionException: cannot calculate position of name within BY `name` ASC
Further more if I remove
--- Code: ---ORDER BY `name` ASC
--- End code ---
the problem is solved
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