English > Extensions and jDiction
3rd party translation
Harald Leithner:
remove the quote for
--- Code: ---name
--- End code ---
Thank you Harald! I just figured that out, because I traced the problem till deep in the parser. :'(
Explanation for others: you're not allowed to have ` around non-operators. Want to know more, check line 121 and 122 of position-calculator.php in SITE_ROOT/libraries/jdiction/database/parser/classes
I let you know where to edit in Community Builder
Found it, you need to comment in Community builder admin.comprofiler.html.php located in SITE_ROOT/administrator/components/com_comprofiler
Start: line 868
--- Code: ---//if ( substr( $sortfield->name, -1, 1 ) != ')' ) {
// $sortfieldName = '`' . $sortfield->name . '`';
//} else {
$sortfieldName = $sortfield->name;
--- End code ---
Start: line 828
--- Code: ---//if ( substr( $sortpart['field'], -1, 1 ) != ')' ) {
// $sortfiNam = '`' . $sortpart['field'] . '`';
//} else {
$sortfiNam = $sortpart['field'];
--- End code ---
Harald Leithner:
Would you please test version, I replaced the sql parser with a new version.
I think that would solve the problem.
Hi Harald,
It get the following message:
--- Code: ---Fatal error: Class 'MySqlParser' not found in SITE_ROOT\libraries\jdiction\database\database\mysqli.php on line 122
--- End code ---
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