English > Install & Configure jDiction

fatal error

<< < (2/3) > >>

in the extentions table there is nothing to be found containing '%jdiction%'


--- Quote from: Harald Leithner on September 10, 2014, 08:11:07 pm ---open the configure.php and remove all spaces before <? And save again

--- End quote ---

there were no spaces in front of that.. see attachment

When I wanted to remove jdiction, I just went to manage extentions, searched for everything that had 'jdiction' in its name, and removed them.
From there on nothing worked anymore.
maybe there was something deleted that should not have been? how can I find out what?

Harald Leithner:
If you send me ftp access i can look at it. Maybe phpmyadmin would be good too. Per pm..

I have same problem
Tried tu uninstall and get next error
Fatal error: Cannot access property started with '\0' in /home/volleytr/public_html/camp/libraries/framework/Joomla/Registry/Registry.php on line 506


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