English > Install & Configure jDiction

Everything looks good, but no translations at all

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According to the reviews I've read, this extension is exactly what I need.... But no matter what, I cannot make it work.

All the content of my site is in Portuguese and everything is set to Language=All. I need to have  a translation for English.

The jdiction check says:

Test    Result

    Library Version: 1.3.1
    Joomla Version 3.3.6 is untested.


    JDiction Plugin is enabled
    Languagefilter is enabled
    Multiple Plugins have the same loading position (0)


    jDiction Database Driver is selected


    Seam to be good


    Module is enabled

Common mistakes    

    It seems that there are no common mistakes.

For testing I've just translated the main menu and its default menu item. I would expect to see these items translated.

jdmodule is published, it changed the url from pt to en, but nothing happens!

Initially I suspected of the real order of the plugin, and changed a few times, and nothing changed.

I activated the php error display, and I have these errors all over the frontend:

Notice: Undefined index: jml_menu in /var/www/html/joomla4d/libraries/jdiction/jdiction.php on line 521

Notice: Undefined index: jml_menu in /var/www/html/joomla4d/libraries/jdiction/jdiction.php on line 535

Notice: Undefined index: in /var/www/html/joomla4d/libraries/jdiction/jdiction.php on line 535

I hope you can help me.


Harald Leithner:
do you have a custom menu component? Or a template that uses a frame work?

because its possible that the menu get loaded before jdiction loads. Alternative could you translate a contant article and check if this one is translated?

Yes, the article is translated.

I use a template that has a special main menu, called megamenu and the templates uses the zo2 framwork. It's a template from zootemplate. How to workaround this?

Now it works. I changed the load order of the framework, and the menu is translated

Harald Leithner:
Good ;-)


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