jDiction 2.2.0 released. http://jdiction.org/downloads
This has been changed for the new database driver.You can activate this simply if you change the file /libraries/jdiction/tables/content.xmlthe "attribs" path is commented out.
Would you please try the attached file?
I tested it in jdiction.org and it works with the other .xml file I see the "read more" files.
do you have a jdiction.xml in /administrator/components/com_contentbut that wouldn't make any sense because you would have the old behavior...checkpage is at /administrator/index.php?option=com_jdiction&view=check
Ok, but jdiction doesn't work if you delete the content.xml ;-)So something must be wrong.You can send me an superuser account per pm if you like.
You didn't gave me a super user account so I can't update the component.And could you check again if the content.xml is the correct one and check if you can remove and what happens?