General Questions / Re: delete last bar after language code
« on: July 28, 2017, 10:17:06 pm »Doesn't Sean to BE jdiction related, Test it at http://jdiction.org/en/
you can check it here. www.salher.com
Maybe nginx issue?.
jDiction 2.2.0 released. http://jdiction.org/downloads
Doesn't Sean to BE jdiction related, Test it at http://jdiction.org/en/
You are using the Tags Menu Item?
I'm not sure if this will work, I will check this.
I have no idea which file you deleted but it wasn't that you thought ;-)
I uploaded a new version of jdiction with a small fix (only cosmetic thing) and correct content.xml and now it works.
You didn't gave me a super user account so I can't update the component.
And could you check again if the content.xml is the correct one and check if you can remove and what happens?
Ok, but jdiction doesn't work if you delete the content.xml ;-)
So something must be wrong.
You can send me an superuser account per pm if you like.
do you have a jdiction.xml in /administrator/components/com_content
but that wouldn't make any sense because you would have the old behavior...
checkpage is at /administrator/index.php?option=com_jdiction&view=check
I tested it in jdiction.org and it works with the other .xml file I see the "read more" files.
Would you please try the attached file?Nope, not working yet.
This has been changed for the new database driver.
You can activate this simply if you change the file /libraries/jdiction/tables/content.xml
the "attribs" path is commented out.
I sent you the zip file.
I maybe could be solved with jdiction 2.0 only beta access atm if you like the version I can send it to you.