English > General Questions
Xliff Exports for Trados
Hi Harald,
The items you mention below (encoding format and translation state) are working great as far as Jdiction is concerned. I was just mentioning our process as an FYI in case it was helpful.
Our translation manager mentions that our CAT tool supports XLIFF 1.2, however she did not use the standard XLIFF filter provided by the CAT tool as it didn’t allow her to customise the content as she wanted. Instead, she used an xml filter to parse and tag the HTML content within the XLIFF file, so it was not part of the translatable content. (I have attached a copy of a single item exported from our CAT program).
The only outstanding issue we have at the moment, is trying to export the com_content -> articles and com_menus -> item tables from our site for translation, as they are currently exporting empty. Is there something specific that could be causing this?
Thanks Again,
Harald Leithner:
So I have a new experimental version for you, the export has bin fixed.
But there is more, new written jdlanguageswitcher helper, support for aliases for urls and some other fixes.
please try carefully.
Harald Leithner:
Thats a better version with an important bugfix.
Harald Leithner:
Did you tried this version? And could you please give me some feedback, I need it?
Hi Harald,
Sorry for the delay, We have had multiple public holidays here and the office was closed.
Our translation manager is away until Monday 28th, so I am unable to test the import/export process with the CAT tool, but I have installed the new version, exported all tables and manually copy/pasted translations into the Xliff to test what I can.
It looks like all remaining tables (menus-items and content-article) now export correctly.
I was able to re-import the translated k2-items, modules-module and content-articles tables with no issues.
But, the menus-item table worked for every item except for 1 sub menu (and its various sub-sub menus). By not working though, they appear as translated (green flag icon and green border on entry field), but blank. Found that I had to export the Xliff WITH duplicates, as the re-import only imported the 1st instance of each duplicate menu (each of our 6 products has the same submenu (features/benefits etc)
I also noticed that the Alias wasn't exported/translated for any menu items, not sure if this was planned to be in export, or to be manually added through Joomla UI. Although manually changing product alias to Produits for instance caused a 404. (I had this working earlier but cant remember how)
Please advise any other tests you would like me to try, or if there is any other information you may need. I will also do some more testing once the translation manager is in and supply feedback on this.
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